North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has announced it will spend £350,000 on a feasibility study to investigate the role it might play in the much-needed redevelopment on the Brunswick Centre.
Scarborough Group International (SGI) bought the centre in 2021, pledging to convert it into a “major cinema and leisure destination, plans that were approved by the now defunct Scarborough Borough Council (SBC). In November last year SGI said they had chosen a cinema operator to partner with yet they refuse to share the name of the chosen partner claiming “legal matters” were preventing them for doing so.
This is one of many projects initiated by SBC that have failed, including redevelopments at The Sands, The Railway Station approach, the “Argos” development and Alpamare.
Councillor Mark Crane, NYC’s Executive Member for Business, believes the study is a good investment in the town.# but only time will tell.